
    All Products are shipped with Track and Trace.

    Usually your order will be processed within 24-48 hours. Most standard items will ship within 2 business days, but custom items can take 5-7 business days depending on our production schedule.

    When your order ships you will receive an email confirmation along with the tracking details.

    Our standard shipping option in New Zealand is NZPost CourierPost (1-2 business days).

    Our standard international shipping option is NZPost Priority Tracked Airmail (5-14 business days).

    We also offer DHL Express and/or FedEx Express depending on the country (2-5 business days).

    Please make sure your delivery address and email address are correct so you can receive our messages and your shipment. We are not responsible for delivery to a wrong address, but will help co-ordinate with the carrier to recover a lost package.

    If your shipment is lost and the carrier covers this loss then we will provide a replacement. Most carriers do except where an incorrect delivery address was provided.